Paul Bolger
In development
A 3D animated tale of action and adventure, where a family of urban foxes travel to the countryside and find themselves chased by a local nobleman.

Len is the slightly overweight head of a family of foxes who live in the city. Sal is his resourceful partner: bouncy, inquisitive. Kev is their cub. They’re set up in a comfortable garden shed in the suburbs: there’s a steady supply of hamburgers and chips in the bins behind the cafes. Life is easy for the little family. So, when, one Autumn day, young Kev puts on his cutest face and says he’d like to visit the place where Len was born – just to see what it’s like, Dad – he agrees. After all, it’s just a day out in the country. What could possibly go wrong?

Production Details

Comedy, Adventure, Family

Written by
Barry Devlin

Directed by
Paul Bolger 

Produced by
Monsters Entertainment (IE)

Co-produced by
Walking the Dog (BE)
Doghouse Films (LU)

International Sales